Training Guidelines
To ensure a more organized training session, we have put together a brief outline of what future training dates will entail as well as expectations of handlers.
After the mark/concepts have been set up be ready to assist in throwing the marks or have a dog ready to run.
Changing the setup to suit a handler(s) should be brought up prior to the start of marks. Handlers should give input as to what they would like to changed and if it does not disrupt the flow of training, the request will be accommodated.
Order of dogs: one individual running dog, one individual in holding blind, and one individual airing their dog away from the training. This is key to keeping things moving at a good pace to ensure handlers are getting the most out of training sessions.
The only dogs to be out at this time are the three mentioned above. It is desired that all other dogs be crated or on tie-outs at this time.
After running your dog, please kennel the dog and prepare to assist in throwing so others in the field can prepare to run their dog.
The club welcomes handlers with more than one dog. However, if this is the case, these handlers are expected to be more than willing to stay out on a bird station for longer periods of time as they are getting twice the amount of work in than other handlers that have brought only one dog.
Aggressive dogs are the handler’s responsibility. If a dog becomes aggressive towards another dog it is the handler’s responsibility to step in immediately and swiftly rectify the situation prior to any altercations. Just watching to “see what happens” is not acceptable behavior and will not be tolerated. Moreover, if a handler knows that his/her dog has a history of aggressiveness they are expected take steps that ensure limited interaction between all dogs. This includes walking to and from the line.
Honoring is an important part of training for both the honor dog as well as the working dog. When honoring, it is expected that the handler of the honor dog has the ability to stop his/her dog if the dog breaks immediately (either by e-collar or lead). Letting the dog break outright and not stopping the dog only creates bad habits for both the working dog and the honor dog and will not be tolerated.
Handlers that show up late to a training session only to run their dog and leave without assisting in the marks is not acceptable behavior. It is not fair to the others in the group. There are exceptions to this, however if it becomes a pattern these handlers will be addressed by a club officer.